Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Welcome to the Euroregion Elbe/Labe!

Living with our neighbours "face to face" instead of "back to back". The Euroregion Elbe/Labe brings people along the Saxon-Czech border together. Our goals are to build mutual trust and to promote cross-border cooperation in all fields. More...


Weekly review no. 28

Ústí District modernizes Rumburk Hospital – Děčín acquires electric buses – Unemployment highest in Northern Bohemia – The Bystroň affair and the Czech newspaper Deník N

Eight German-Czech projects receive funding

Today, funding for eight German-Czech projects from the small projects fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe was approved.

Weekly review no. 27

Česká Kamenice has an astronomical clock again – Construction of the Eger cycle path begins – German-language tours of the Ústí Zoo – Day without rushing

Weekly review no. 26

Giant Easter egg in Jablonné v Podještědí - Start of the tourist railway season - Easter riding in Mikulášovice - NGOs criticize the housing situation in Prague

Now also in German: Video about Edmund's gorge and Gabriela's path

German subtitles make the interesting video understandable even without knowledge of the Czech language.

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